Ava fun!
Dave took Ava to the park on Sunday and she fell while she was go up the ladder to get to the playset. She scraped her arm but she appeared to be OK UNTIL on her way home. Dave offered to take her for ice cream but she was worried that she would not be able to hold it with her "bad arm". Dave went by the gas station and got her candy bar and a Yoo Hoo. She did not think she could drink the yoo hoo until she got home and Dave put it into a smaller cup. She also did not think she could go to school the next day.
When she got home I dressed this relatively small wound on her arm (and an invisible wound on her back) with a piece of gauze and some First Aid tape. She was not sure she would be able to attend her horseback riding lessons. She was a trooper and went to horseback riding and my friend Heather came to pick her up so that she could play with her daughter. We saw the pics Heather took of the girls at the park and this is what we saw:

So I think she is gonna be OK!