Ava is full of personality and really seems to be doing well in school. She got to watch President Obama speak to the children while she was in school. She calls him O'awk Owama. I asked her what he said and she said that he said to "Respect yourself and respect others" and "To do good in School". Later she took it to an extreme and told me that he said to "Pet your dog on the head every day" and "If your nose runs, use a tissue to wipe it off." Ha!
Ava asked her daddy if he knew how to dance the robot and he said yes. She then asked him if he could dance the booga looga and he said no, he is not old enough to dance the booga looga but grandpa may know how.
Ava has a boyfriend already and possibly two boyfriends. One's name is Eli and the other Ian. I think she has a thing for boys with three letter names (like hers!).
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