For the first time in 5 years, Dave and I have the house to ourselves. It is so nice to have a break. Although the house feels completely WRONG, I am enjoying doing whatever I want whenever I want. My parents took Ava to Disney World for a couple of days. Ava was so insanely excited. Last week she kept telling us how she was having a hard time sleeping because she was so excited. She would ask Dave to tell her about Disney World. He would tell her stories of what all she would see. He used to work there he knows WAY too much about Disney World. When he told Ava he worked at Disney World, she asked him if he was Tinkerbell. I laughed my butt off.
Anyway, we are enjoying our time together and KNOW Ava is having a good time. She talked to us for a second but she is so happy with GMA and GPA that she does not need us.