This weekend
Ava and I had a good weekend overall. I think she was a little bored at times because she wants me to play with her ALL of the time and I just can't. I think I literally did 10 loads of laundry this weekend. The cats brought in fleas and I had to take everything apart and wash it and put flea medication on them. It was a hassle. Also, I think that the house got too dirty for Dave which has only happened about twice in our life together!! :) He helped me pick up and put stuff away. I about fell out! Ava has destroyed the house again so it is not a big deal but atleast the dishes and laundry are done.
Yesterday, Ava and I went to Lowes (hardware) with the rest of Garner/Clayton area and we got tomatoes, basil, and hot peppers for our garden. I also found some Columbines for 0.75 a pot on clearence(they were originally 2.95). I love Lowes clearence plants. The Columbines are perennials (they have already bloomed for the season) but I can be patient for a deal! Last year I got a ton of Hostas on clearence for 0.50 a pot and they are doing great. Anyway, today we planted the garden and I am excited to make my salsa and pesto.
Yesterday we also "introduced" the little chicks to the big chicks in hopes of harmony so that I could get them out of my kitchen. I watched them for a few minutes and Rose (older girl) really started bullying one of the little girls by pecking at her and throwing herself at the little guy so I crawled into the coop and got the little ones out. Today, Dave RELUCTANTLY built me a teenage coop for the little ones. He was so mad at me for wanting one after he just built this fancy coop. I just could not stand to see the little ones getting pecked at. Dave spent a good bit of money on the first coop and he did want to spend an equal amount on another one. He used all of his scrap plywood and we had some coupons for Lowes he used for 2x4s and hardware cloth. He worked on it ALL day today (he stopped working at 9:00pm) and it is all finished. He said that he was embarrased to show his woodworking buddies because he really patched and scrapped it together. I think it looks great. It even has a plexiglass window in the roost part of it. I will post a picture of it later.
Hmmm what else. After I finished my chores, Ava and I played with her Littlest Pet Shop toys for a little bit and our Cat Pickles joined us. We dressed Pickles up and had a great time. Here are some pics:

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