Happy Easter
Here is a pic of Ava with bed head and looking at all of her loot from the Easter bunny! So cute!

All in all it was a great Easter weekend. I caught a cold. It was a wierd one, I am already feeling better. I had an upset stomach, sore throat, and sinus headache. This year my bosses had Easter dinner at their house and invited us over. Ava had a blast and ran around like crazy. She was absolutely exhausted. The kids went on an Easter egg hunt and that was fun to watch. We ate a ton. On the way home Ava asked me when we were going to be home so that she could throw up in the toilet. At that point I immediately pull over and grab frantically for something she could get sick in. I found nothing. At that point I saw her Easter basket bucket and I quickly dumped all of the eggs out if it and that is what she used. I got lucky. She has gotten sick before in the car once and it made a mess of her car seat. Dave had to take it all apart and wash every piece. It was a real hassle so I am glad that we were able to do something.
My mom won a Pottery Barn brand bed at an auction for 150.00 that she gave us and apparentlyy it did not have all of the components to it. Dave called Pottery barn, figured out what we were missing and fashioned a new frame and bed support out of wood. It is great. It is very tall but I like it. It is like a princess and the pea bed. 

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