Chick Update #3000

The chicks are getting bigger and bigger! They are getting out of their cute chick stage. I was going to have my friends with kids come over to play with them but honestly they get so mad when you pick them up that I have not wanted to extend the offer. This batch of chicks is a lot sillier than the last batch I had. They "talk" all of the time. Tonight they were making such a ruckus and I went to take a look at them and they were playing a game. One of them would take a wood shaving and carry it around and the others would chase it trying to get it. The chick with the shaving was chirping and making all sorts of noise. They were being so loud that they caught one of my cat's (Lucy) attention and she had to take a look as well. She scared them so from then on they have been pretty quiet. I guess she ruined their fun. By the way, the cats are still pretty good with the chicks but every once in a while they think they might want to stalk them.
Also, notice the poop on my kitchen floor! Ava was grossed out.The older gals are still "cooped" up. They have access to the lower (outside) level of the ultimate chicken coop but they like inside (upstairs) the coop better. I begged Dave and I may have convinced him to make me a geriatric coop in one month if the old girls refuse to use the ramp for some outside time. This is what they look like:

As for Ava, she is beautiful and funny! She has been letting me french braid her hair and it looks so pretty. I cannot braid my hair for the life of me but I am OK at braiding others hair. In addition, my boss gave me this machine that will put beads in your hair. So lately every morning, I braid Ava's hair and then she puts the beads on the machine and we put them in her hair. She looks very fancy.
Ava said she had a dream last night with Dave and I in it where the chicks lost their beaks. Wierd. Huh? I bet it is wierd to be a kid and have dreams!
She also has two dog stuffed animals and one is a Dalmation and they other is a tan dog. She calls the Dalmation "Fire dog" and the other one "Underdog". It makes me laugh!
She also two stools on top of each other to get to my very tall bed and said "two stools are better than one." Ha! I just do not know where she comes up with all of this stuff.

Here is a pic of Ava at her school Easter egg hunt.
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