My child won't sleep and I sewed a fancy zipper

I have mastered a zippered pocket and I am so happy. I found an elaborate tutorial and I thought that I would never be able to get from steps 1-20 and I did it! I am so happy! I have been working on a bag for the past couple of nights. I took tonight off due to a bad mood. Sewing while on a bad mood is no good.
It is almost 10pm and Ava is still in her bed singing. It makes me crazy. I put her to bed at 8:30! I fear she will get up in a bad mood tomorrow (like she did today) and beat everyone up at daycare. She hit a girl on the forehead today because the girl was chasing her and she did not want to be bothered. Then she got put in time out while outside and kicked a girl that was walking to close to her. When I got home, she was fine. She acted like nothing ever happened. We played outside until about 6:30, ate, watched TV, read a book and practiced our letters and apparently that did not wear her out. It makes me want to yell but I don't.
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